The east coast of the US was home to three major scenes that shaped Hardcore. DC had the DIschord scene, NYC had Revelation, et. all, and if you follow the map a few hours north, you’ll run into the baddest…
The east coast of the US was home to three major scenes that shaped Hardcore. DC had the DIschord scene, NYC had Revelation, et. all, and if you follow the map a few hours north, you’ll run into the baddest…
After totally annihilating every band in a genre that specialized in annihilation, John Branon found three other Detroit weirdos with the idea of being… a punk blues band? It literally sounds disgusting on paper. However, from the first time the…
Four years removed from putting out the definitive statement of American hardcore punk. Yes, I’m aware of other bands like Black Flag, Minor Threat, etc., but no one ever wrapped all the wildness of rock and roll, with the loose…
After Memphis’ His Hero Is Gone regrouped and decamped to Portland (again, before it was cool to do that), they reformed with a couple of key members as Tragedy. This, their thrid full length in their six short years as…
Who is your favorite hardcore band from Iowa? No, Slipknot is not a hardocre band. Who else is from Iowa? The Everly Brothers? Well, Slipknot is fine if you’re into that sort of thing, no disrespect to the nine masked…
Sometimes, when something hits, it’s hard to go back and revisit it and realize the pure power of it all. It’s like, have you gone back and listened to Nevermind The Bollocks lately? I mean, really? I’m not saying this…